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Inability to function as human beings?
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This clearly shows an evolution towards an asepctic and artificial world - for the ones who can afford it. I have read a very interesting article in the Daily Mail (UK) this week, which I have unfortunately not been able to find on the web. But it was describing a possible evolution for humanity, which will split into two subspecies: one being an elite of human beings, tall, beautifully built and clever - the other one, a bunch of ugly, small, fat and dumb people. This would be due to the modern tendency to adopt a healthier life style, have an easier and easier access to medicines, genetic modifications, and new technologies such as chip implants and others; obviously not for everyone, and the natural selection will do just its job too. I am having trouble gathering my thoughts on this though, so please bare with me. I wish I could find this article... but I can see a clear link between this theory and the padded world Americans (at the moment) seem to be developing for their future generations. DL-44, I think your thread raises two different issues: 1) How far can we allow ourselves to acquire greater power over others through law and money? 2) Is the creation of this aseptic world the best we can do for our future generations?
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