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Inability to function as human beings?
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[quote]Jestah - If the court system wasn't so screwed up, schools could allow children to play tag without fear of a billion dollar lawsuit for a skinned knee.[/quote] Hi. It has been a while. I have been super busy at work and taking care of the two little ones. We were talking about this at work the other day. Is it really societies fault? Is it really parents? It seems to me that the problem is the judges who are letting these lawsuits go through, like Jestah said. It seems ridiculous that you can sue for anything now-a-days, and win. For instance, I had an allergic reaction to some medicine one time and almost died, and the doctor told me to sue the hospital, which he worked for, and I would win!!! I did not, because though I would not have minded the money, it seemed ridiculous to me since it was just an accident. That is the problem with society, individuals have no moral decency and sue for just about anything they think they can get money for. It sucks. It may increase your bank account but people need to sit back and look at what it is doing to our society. But can you really blame society, I mean most people would like a bunch of money, and it really is the fault of the laws and the judges who are enforcing them. [i][small]smiling as I think about jumping off the roof on my friends house as we played Tag with all the doors and windows open.[/small][/i] [sigrotate][url=http://jeff-nolan.com][img]http://jeff-nolan.com/Sigs/BlurryCircleName.gif[/img][/url]|[url=http://jeff-nolan.com][img]http://jeff-nolan.com/Sigs/BouncyBall.gif[/img][/url]|[url=http://jeff-nolan.com][img]http://jeff-nolan.com/Sigs/MedicineWheel.gif[/img][/url]|[url=http://jeff-nolan.com][img]http://jeff-nolan.com/Sigs/RedSpiral.gif[/img][/url][/sigrotate]----| [internallink=5175]Asylum Quotes[/internallink] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/2111]Gilbert Nolander[/url] on 10-25-2006 05:21)[/small]
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