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photo gallery site - need usability feedback
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Wow! That was the most thorough response I have received so far. Thank you. All of your points make a lot of sense. I will definitely have to take them into account as I evolve the site over the next couple weeks. The first one in particular is probably my insecurity with my photography showing through. I do this just as a hobby, and feel like a poser putting on the face of a professional. Though you are right, I should pick one or the other for the site. You are not alone in wanting larger photos (myself included). I have been kicking around a somewhat substantial modification to the design that would allow for larger photos and remove the need for JS to drive the gallery (or be used in the site anywhere for that matter). Also, thanks for the tip on anti-aliasing text, did not know that before (though it makes sense). -- easygimik http://www.jasonstahl.net/
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