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Smallest Quadrilateral around polygon
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Well, what I'm trying to do is follow the [url=http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?tp=&arnumber=791141]'ultimate paper'[/url] on decoding these things. Unfortunatly, it's a bit sketchy as for the details ;) Here's the basic run down, the part I'm working on right now is marked ( Not that I have the others running as outlined in the paper... but I gotta start somewhere, and I have my own (slow) made up methods :) ). [olist] *Scan for regions of interest. ( Using Sobel mask and gradients showing directional characteristics. *Locate likely code positions in the regions of interest. ( Ie. The points where the orthogonal bars meet, and points on the far end of the bars). If you have multiple such points, assign a likelyhood value (longest bars, I guess), take maximum one. *[i]Segment the code from the rest of the image. To do this, you start with the triangle from the previous step, and grow the region. Then take the complex hull of that grown mess. Repeat growing & complex hull till it's stable ( 2-4 times according to the paper ) . Now take the smallest surrounding 4-sided polygon. Use that to undistort, resample and binarize the code, evaluate bit pattern,[/i] *Decode bitpattern. [/olist] I'm all up on the complex hull computation, and I have a poor man's region growing that will get replaced by a scan line algorithm later on, but I'm absolutly stuck on 'smallest 4-sided polygon surrounding the segmented code'. If anyone wants to have a look at that paper ( Q me ) , I'd appreciate it ;). So long, and thanks for all your feedback so far!, ->Tyberius Prime Edit: Correct UBB makes the Asylum Happy! [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/1424]Tyberius Prime[/url] on 10-25-2006 13:35)[/small]
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