OZONE Asylum
Major Ripoff
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[quote] [b]WebShaman said:[/b] Inspired is not ripped - though I agree the BG does look the same. That could be ripped. [/quote] Perhaps there is a quibble over the definition of the term "ripped"? Obviously the 2nd site is not comprised of the same image files or code, but is is just as obviously a very direct copy, as opposed to an 'inspiration'. Every detail is copied, not just the basic concept. Sleepingwolf - 2 important notes: 1) it happens. in many cases, especially ones like this where the design is generic, there is not much that can be done. 2) note the "Site By MCB Media" in the lower right corner of the copy. Sending an email to the owner of a restaurant attacking them for the fact that the web design company they hired made a knock-off of another site is not likely to be productive or fair. If you feel contact needs to be made, it needs to either be of a polite, informative nature, and/or needs to go the web design company directly. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/163]DL-44[/url] on 10-29-2006 00:19)[/small]
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