OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
towards a secular america
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[quote] [b]cfb said:[/b] What I'm getting at, then, is how we perceive our democracy in America: do we need the "civil religion" to sustain it, and why exactly shouldn't democracy flourish according to its own merits, not those we say it has? [/quote] I must reiterate that the concept of 'civil religion' is at best a metaphor. And an unnecessary one at that. We can see that similarity. We can see the difference. Of value is it to force this metaphor and make such a show of it? The line that you quoted from me above is really all I can say on the subject - it would be my reply to what you just posted had I not already said it ;) The concern over the way we present our history and national identity may well be valid ones, but they are more valid outside of this contrived label, where they can be discussed on *their* own merits rather than on the merits of the metaphor... FWIW
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