OZONE Asylum
Are we safe to fly
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[quote] [b]WarMage said:[/b] The screeners tend to fail more tests than they pass, so if someone was really trying to smuggle some bomb or weapon on board they would not have a problem. [/quote] And what about the security people.... Flying out of Paris this summer, not too long after the Heathrow scare, we went thru security and all passengers were asked if they had gels, liquids, lighters, etc.... almost everyone knew about the restrictions and most said "no" and moved on to the bridge. As we went down the bridge to our surprise we see 2 security guards waiting for us - i had never seen any on the bridge before - and they ask the same question about gels etc... this time, however, people start whipping out bottled water, lighters, and so on. In other words they had lied to security the first time, but now they were too scared to lie a second time....none of these people were reprimanded, none were asked why they had initially lied...they all got on the same as flight as those, like myself, who had been honest. ~ Luxury is the wolf at the door and its fangs are the vanities and conceits germinated by success. When an artist learns this, he knows where the danger is. ~ http://www.sleepingwolves.com/
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