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Are we safe to fly
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[quote] [b]auto337002 said:[/b] The ones who seem to be scared the most are the politicians as they have been raising the level of security!! [/quote] This is the whole point of war of terror... You never know whether, when or where it is going to happen. Perhaps nothing will happen, perhaps they have avoided a huge disaster by catching [url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6123236.stm]that chap[/url], but certainly that something bigger and scarier is being plotted right now somewhere just next to the centre of attention... Anyway, my point is politicians, as individuals, are definitely not the ones who are scared the most; but the population is, as a whole frozen by this permanent scare. After 9/11 the people just do not behave in the same way as they used to, and this is a perfect way to keep one or several nations under control. The politicians are only responding in what seems to be the most natural way in their people's view in order to keep their countries together. The whole point of this "security theatre" (spot on Warmage) is: 1) to freeze the population in a state of terror, which results in unusual and unreasonable crowd behaviours 2) to force the States of the attacked population to react in a way that makes everyone pay attention to something that is not really the point, as well as waste time and money on short term and inaccurate solutions to keep this same population quiet. And it works... It works so well that the longer it lasts the more likely we are going straight to get it back in the face very, very hard, and pay for it culturally, politically and economically. We have actually started to see clear results of this. The "real" bombs are far from being the scariest things, just wait for the time bomb they're slowly but definitely throwing at us... **** edit **** [quote] [b]auto337002 said:[/b] i understand peoples thoughts of security theater but if thats what it is it is working its purpose of being a preventative making people think twice if they were to try something!! [/quote] Well, these people have actually nothing to loose, they are willing to die in order to achieve their "duty"... so the point for them is not really about hesitating whether to try something or not, it is about hitting the target at all cost. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/5434]kimson[/url] on 11-07-2006 17:20)[/small]
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