OZONE Asylum
Are we safe to fly
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[quote] [b]White Hawk said:[/b] I'm no more nervous about flying now than I ever was before all this, but the added stress and inconvenience of extra security protocols isn't so welcome. They're hardly culture-destroying measures by any stretch of the imagination, however... "Oh my god! I have to take my belt and shoes off before I go through the metal detector to the plane? I can't carry a bottle of water on board unless I buy it in the departure lounge?! How will I ever cope with this! My way of life is ruined!" Puh-lease! [/quote] If you are referring to what I said, you did not get it right; I can see how unclear I was in my post, sorry for the misunderstanding. I was actually trying to describe the relationship between the following: 1) The terrorists apply pressure on both the people and the politicians in a different way; by doing this, they force the politicians to act in some way or another, as they "in charge" 2) The measures applied to tackle terrorism are inaccurate, costly and short term, but they give the illusion to the average people that "something is being done" 3) The population is not much safer, only more stressed and confused about these "Security Measures", but the resulting fear of the original pressure remains, and nothing is actually being sorted. This is how I describe the War of Terror. It reminds me of after the 7/7 in London, all the bin bags were removed from every train station in the UK (as far as I have been able to observe); they put them back over night a little more than a month ago, i.e. after the Heathrow threat - with apparently no reason to do so. It seems like an effort from the authorities to spread the word that "Everything is under control". I am trying to be very attentive to these signs, as I find it very interesting to see how the Government gives this kind of "subconscious" messages. That is all, hope it is clearer.
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