OZONE Asylum
Are we safe to fly
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I suppose that may seem the case, DL-44, but one must get on with one's life, and one's life is made easier by the capital generated by one's employment. In my case, I am the only one who can do my job - at least, this is what I hope my employer continues to believe. In the course of my duties, I must travel to Barcelona. Unless I fancy loading myself into a flight-case and piling-in with the rest of the kit aboard one of four articulated lorries bound for the venue by road, then my only option is to travel by air. Of course, I could make the choice not to travel to Barcelona at all. I could decide that my job is not worth "risking my life for". I could even decide that leaving the house is just far too dangerous. In fact, when my employment ends because I never do the jobs I'm employed to do, and then my money runs out and I am forced to leave my home- perhaps then, I will have made a point and stood up for my right not to be put at risk by being obliged to travel by air. When I'm starving and homeless and subject to the ravages and risks of street-living, perhaps it could be of some comfort to me that I at least asserted my right to refuse to fly as part of my job. Thank you, DL-44, but no- I have no choice but to fly in much the same way as I have no choice but to wake up in the mornings and get on with my life regardless of any notion of impending doom, or indeed the certain knowledge of the futility of it all and the sould-sucking vagaries of the rat race. Thank you for filtering my tirade of nonsense for that little gem, though. :p ;) [small][i][b][url=http://www.vectorpark.com/]ZZZ[/url][small][url=http://www.i-am-bored.com]ZZZ[/url][small][url=http://nlp.fi.muni.cz/~xsvobod4/amanita/samorost/intro.html]ZZZ[/url][small][url=http://uploads.ungrounded.net/59000/59593_alien_booya.swf]ZZZ[/url][small][url=http://members.aol.com/gulfhigh2/words.html]ZZZ[/url][small][url=http://www.kiteretsu.jp/on/grow3/]ZZZ[/url][url=http://www.math.ruu.nl/people/beukers/dawkins/dawkins.html]zzz[/url][url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/23036].....[/url][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/b][/i][/small]
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