OZONE Asylum
Are we safe to fly
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There are no real preventative measure. It is security theater. They make a big show of things, but it does not really offer any more security. The security you now gain comes from your own and other passenger's heightened awareness. You are not going to let a couple of guys with knives hijack a plane. You are going to kick the shit out of them as soon as they show a knife, you might take a wound, at least your not dead. All of the stuff out in front of the gates is just a big waste of time. The screeners tend to fail more tests than they pass, so if someone was really trying to smuggle some bomb or weapon on board they would not have a problem. Does that mean that all of the screening process should be discarded? That answer is definitely no. They do serve a purpose. But it should be reduced back to the same level as it was pre-9/11. If you have the budget for more security, them make it worth while security. Take the 3 people who check that everyone has a license and a boarding pass and replace them with one person who walks around with a drug and bomb sniffing dog. Then take the money saved from replacing the 5 screeners that watch the other screeners and put it towards pro-active investigation and disaster recovery. All of the successes have come through investigative means. And if the worse does happen it is better to be prepared to handle the consequences correctly and safely. That is where you get the most bang for your buck. That is how you will really make people safer. And that is how you will stop inconveniencing millions of people for no added benefits. Dan @ [url=http://www.codetown.org]Code Town[/url]
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