OZONE Asylum
Are we safe to fly
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I've always found the 'statistically safer' claim rather silly. Cars have airbags, they have seat belts, the driver can be extra-cautious, the driver can swerve around things. Airplanes just go down, period, end of story. You'd think (or at least I do) that having technology like parachutes to save [i]the whole aircraft[/i] and ejector seats for so long, that we might actually get some of that stuff on these giant planes that carry 300 people at a time. I guess it's only cost-effective for the military to bother with that stuff (to save [i]one or two[/i] people and of course their very expensive war machine) - after all civilians just keep getting on planes no matter how many fly into the ground. Commercial flying [i]could[/i] be ridiculously safe, but I doubt it will be until at least one popular airline ups the stakes and the rest have to, too, to remain competitive. That's all they seem to care about, the bottom line. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/5575]reisio[/url] on 11-03-2006 21:20)[/small]
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