OZONE Asylum
Are we safe to fly
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[quote] [b]reisio said:[/b] I've always found the 'statistically safer' claim rather silly. Cars have airbags, they have seat belts, the driver can be extra-cautious, the driver can swerve around things. Airplanes just go down, period, end of story. [/quote] I agree in part, always have. In a car, I can control a great number of things that I can't when I am a passenger on a plane. However, I *can't* control the rest of the world around me. My only car accident in my life was when I was hit by a guy runing a stop sign. There was nothing I could do to avoid it - when he hit me is when I first saw him. An airbag wouldn't have helped me if he had hit me a bout foot further back then he did. An airbag would have been nice considering where he did hit me, and where my head hit the windsheild, and where my knee went through the dashboard (despite a secured seatbelt). Unfortunately my car didn't have airbags ;) But aside from that, it's a simple matter of numbers: a higher percentage of automobile drivers and/or passengers are injured each year than are passengers of airplanes - plain and simple.
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