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Saddam sentenced to death
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But WebShaman, 1984 was fiction! That's not how it works in the real world. ;) [quote]Hasn't George Bush been responsible for more deaths in Iraq than Saddam?[/quote] Can't speak for the current regime, but the US federal government throughout the years... First Gulf War under Lord Bush I, sanctions under Lord Clinton, and the current war under Lord Bush II, not to mention all the clandestine operations carried out in the region throughout the years, those that we know of, one could certainly make that case. Lucky for them, they "don't do body counts." Then again, how many did Saddam kill? Sure, Saddam definately deserves his fate IMO, but I could think of quite a few others in the western world that should be facing the gallows beside him, but if I were to name names then I would probably be classified as an enemy combatant and thrown into one of those new detention camps that Halliburton is constructing. Big Brother is watching afterall. :) Ram
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