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Slashdot- Should Online Stores Be Subject To ADA?
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[quote] [b]Petskull said:[/b] Since Target's physical stores are places of public accommodation, the ruling said, its online store must also be accessible or the company must offer equally effective alternatives.' [/quote] Is it just me, or is not the physical store itself an equally effective alternative? The medium by its nature is not very handicap friendly.... but neither is a whole slew of others that have never been challenged by law (that I am aware of). When is the last time you saw a mail order catalogue come to your door with descriptive audio? Its in Targets best interest to make their site as accessible as possible... no different than how you used to have to develop separate moron friendly sites for the dumb asses that insisted on using IE :eek:, but forcing someone to do so by law is a load of crap. If they open that can of worms, where would it stop? Over 5 percent of the world suffers from dyslexia.... parc ho! Jason
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