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Slashdot- Should Online Stores Be Subject To ADA?
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Back to the beginning... of 'this thread.' Prior to Petskull posting it here... I'd read that article earlier...not sure which site nor how much earlier but when Petskull posted up I'd already been think about this for a while and I wondered how it was going to play out here. Now perhaps I could have picked my words a bit more carefully in responding to you Jestah, but perhaps and I say only 'maybe' your choice of phrasing could have been better. "inconveniencing a group" That's what got me going. I t certainly wasn't my intent to suggest that YOU endorse raping wives with impunity or that you are a racist. My intent was to draw a correlation between a law that abolished slavery which certainly proved to be a rather great 'inconvenience' to slave owners ' a group' ... and that 'group' of husbands who found themselves 'inconvenienced' when they couldn't fuck their wives whenever unless the wife said... " why you ol' smooth talker you.' =) DL puts it rather succinctly: The *only* question is: does the law include such things as internet storefronts of such a business? If you feel it does not, why? What makes it diferent? And it's the last part here that drives it home. WHAT MAKES IT DIFFERENT ??? ___________________________________________________________________________ If you're not living life on the edge, you're taking up too much room.
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