Topic: Java Fingerprint development with VeriFinger 4.2 SDK Pages that link to <a href="" title="Pages that link to Topic: Java Fingerprint development with VeriFinger 4.2 SDK" rel="nofollow" >Topic: Java Fingerprint development with VeriFinger 4.2 SDK\

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Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate

Insane since: Aug 2004

IP logged posted posted 11-13-2006 10:38 Edit Quote


I hope to find guide with developing an application that implements Fingerprint functionalities.
I have tried to read the ANSI NIST-ITL 1-2000 Fingerprints standard.
I have the VeriFinger 4.2 SDK and have studied the manuals and sample codes.
I still need help on how to commence development of a sample application that implements the following Fingerprint technology

1. Enrollment
2. Verification
3. Identification

Most of the codes seem Hi-tech to me, but I can use any help smartly.

Thank you.


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