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[quote] [b]Gothmatum said:[/b] These two statements seem to contradict one another, yet both of you are standing in defense of science. DL seems to propose that the concept of God is just like the concept of evolution: a tool to suggest a possible history for our species. poi, on the other hand, chalks any concept of a god or gods up with the boogeyman and Santa Claus. [/quote] Whoa, back up a second ;) The statement from me that you quoted was a very basic statement in regard to science: it makes no assumptions about (insert subject here). Poi stated a personal opinion. You will find similar opinions expressed by me above as well. The point being, "science" does not make an assumption about whether something exists. If there is evidence, or something to suggest that evidence might be found, then ways are developed to find, express, and evaluate that evidence. As there is no evidence of god that anyone has been able to offer, science by definition has no reason to take it into account. As it stands, the question of whether or not god exists is entirely immaterial. We evaluate the evidence before us, and if you wish to take a philosophical view which explains how your deity fits into that - anyone is welcome. However, it must be understood that such groups of thought *are* philosophical and not scientific. I do not in any way consider any god or gods to be a valid explanation of....anything. ;) [quote]And yet it seems to me that DL & poi are not unlike two different denominations of Christianity: saying the same thing two different ways.And like some Christian denominations, they defend their faith with a ferocity that can be frightening to behold. [/quote] Again: facts. Evidence. This is not 'faith' and it is not 'doctrine'. Science is not a religion. Period. Science represents what we know; what we understand. It does not claim to be the 'final answer'. By its very nature it evolves as we learn. This is very different from religion which sets an answer and then forces everything to fit. *Please* understand the very important distinction. I have no 'faith' to defend. I will fight against mythology and floklore being disguised as science. I will not fight against the furthering of our scientific knowledge, whether that challenges evolution or not. And please - there is much more to evolution than Darwin. Let's stop making this a "darwinist" issue. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/163]DL-44[/url] on 12-01-2006 17:12)[/small]
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