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[quote] [b]Gothmatum said:[/b] If there is a life after this, and we don't believe in God, we become lost and/or damned. [/quote] Again, this is not a logical progression. If there is an after life, it still doesn't neccisarily mean there is a god. If there is a god, that still leaves the door wide open - do you ahve any idea how many gods we've created? =) [quote] [b]Gothmatum said:[/b] Do what you will, but I will err on the side of potential salvation, thanks very much. [/quote] To push the above point further - how can you be sure you've erred on the side of salvation? How many different paths to salvation are there according to the different religions? I'd sure hate to die having pissed off Odin, or having failed to follow the proper laws of islam, or not having sacrificed the proper type of animal at the proper time, and so on... That aside, and giving, for a moment, the christian view the benefit of the doubt, I still find it extremely hard to beleive that 'god' would accept people into his arms who followed his rules just to cover their ass... I'd like to think he wouldn't let people off on a technicality ;)
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