OZONE Asylum
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[quote] [b]poi said:[/b] One doesn't need to be religious to realize there is a lot of things greater than him/herself. Also having questions is not reason enough to invent answers. Answers must be seeked, not made up. [/quote] I wouldn't call myself religious - not with the way I think up sarcastic comebacks to the minister's sermons and squirm in the pews when I'm tired. I want a place of my own so I can get out of my church. And I'm not talking about buying a timeshare. If these idiots have enough money to televise their 'miracle sessions' and send poor idea-starved brainwashed kids door-to-door, don't they have enough to feed the poor, clothe and educate our kids and take care of our elderly with respect? Nah, who would think of [b]that?[/b] Finding answers within oneself is not the same as inventing them. Sometimes it takes a great deal of introspection to make a personal breakthrough, be it towards or away from a measure of faith or the veracity of an idea. Believe me, I spent enough time in solitude during my stint as a patient at UPMC's mental health institution to tell you that for certain. And it's "sought", poi, not "seeked." FYI [i]sought [/i]is the correct past tense of the word [i]seek [/i]AFAIK. :) ~~~ Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein [img]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/AsylumScrawls.jpg[/img] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6271]Gothmatum[/url] on 12-04-2006 21:46)[/small]
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