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[quote] [b]Gothmatum said:[/b] I just hope that the 'paradise parole board' looks at things like behavior and intention rather than simply belief. [/quote] Which negates your previously laid out list of options ;) It is also my response to the threats of eternal damnation for being a non-beleiver ;) If there is a god who granted us this gift of reason, surely he'd want us to use it moreso than he would want us to follow things that don't stand to reason... [quote] [b]Gothmatum said:[/b] A heaven where I have to share bunk space with John Wayne Gacey and members of the KKK might not be worth pursuing after all... [/quote] If the tenets most accepted in christianity are true, then those are distinct possibilities - reich and rhetoric aside! [quote] [b]Gothmatum said:[/b] My idea really is that this = that = the other, and if more people realized that, we'd have less people killing each other in the name of God. [/quote] But with so many options out there, and so many vastly different religions....there is just no way they all can equate. I mean...there are more than the big three religions out there after all, and even those three have some gigantic differences in the view of what god is, what god wants, and how to please god/get to heaven.... It seems to me that to say they're all the same in the end is nothing more than a way of not dealing with the differences between them. Though I guess you're saying that the differences are the fault of human interpretation, whereas the originating 'force' was the same in all cases? But then of course, there are the more truly different religions that don't rely on this whole 'one god' concept, and would be much harder pressed to be able to make them in any way relatable... ;) [quote] [b]Gothmatum said:[/b] Finding answers within oneself is not the same as inventing them. Sometimes it takes a great deal of introspection to make a personal breakthrough, be it towards or away from a measure of faith or the veracity of an idea. [/quote] Of course it is! Of course, in many cases, inventing answers is what needs to be done - when speaking of internal issues, and personal problems/goals/weaknesses/plans/etc, the answers you invent for yourself are the only ones that will get you anywhere. That will have to extend as well to things like religious beliefs. But to get back (way back ;) ) to the earlier point - where those personal answers won't help and won't apply, is when we are dealing with the factual evidence on which a scientific theory must rest. =)
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