OZONE Asylum
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The world's first Creationist museum
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[quote] [b]skyetyger said:[/b] It is the Secular ..Gospel.. mostly disproven by recent scientific evidence...and I am a Heretic.. [/quote] And you hope, by making statements like this, to get people engaged in constructive conversation? As I said, we've gone over this stuff over and over. Read the FAQ and the archives. We've covered both the creationist dribble and the doubts of the microbilogists. Everything that we learn in modern sicence SUPPORTS that we have been correct in our scientific understanding of evolution in general, and we learn more specific details all the time. To say something as blatant and absolute as "evolution didn't happen" is extremely ignorant. Evolution has been observed in our time in laboratories. We see evolution constantly among the viruses. We see the vast evidence on many levels, and we learn what Darwin was right about, and what he was wrong about. Are there people who take to evolution with a religious bent? Of course. There are people who will take to anything in that manner. To equate the proven facts of evolution with the nonsense of Creationism is purely absurd. To state that "evolution didn't happen" based on disupted claims in regard to the specific course evolution may have taken in the human species is equally as absurd (especially in light of the current mapping of the neandertal genome...as opposed to a 1997 'partial' view?)
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