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Can you please explain to me exactly who these "state sponsored" groups are, who are so adamant about pushing an "evolution agenda"? Last time I checked, our monkey in the white house was a supported of 'intelligent design'. Anyway..... [b]skyetyger said:[/b] The bird cannot mutate into a lion to survive in an environment overrun, overgrazed and trampled by the sudden appearance of a herd of buffalo..Or even "evolve" or "mutate" into any form required to cope with the environmental change. [/quote] And this type of instant change, which always seems to be the argument among those who do not understand the science they are talking about, has nothing to do with evolution. Evolution is not "survival magic". Evolution does not happen to an organism, it happens to a species. And it has been witnessed. In our time. In laboratories. Other than that, I will not sit and argue with someone so insistant on throwing about the ignorant and insulting mockery you seem so fond of. If you'd like to have an intelligent conversation - great! If you enjoy your verbal masturbation....by all means, have at it...but in that case, farewell.
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