OZONE Asylum
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[b]Gideon:[/b] Do you really think scientists hold on their theories and are in denial of any new fact/discovery proving them wrong ? It seems you also have a misconception of the word: 'critical'. Ever heard about, say : Newton's theory of gravitation. That theory prevailled for almost 250 years. That was a good approximation and people didn't knew better at the time, but scientists didn't fear to claim it bullshit when the buddy Einstein elaborated the general theory of relativity. This is just one of many examples of the scientific community's open mind to sound and coherent theories. Can you imagine a single second that if there was anything contesting the ~4 billion years earth the scientific community would not rush to investigate and elaborate new theories based on these exciting finds ? Also think about the fields of science that your ~6 thousand years earth dream contradicts and what it would mean. Our understanding of radioactivity, electro-magnetism, biology, geology, ... isn't as crap as your dream suggests. So far the 'guess work' and 'lies' allowed us to do quite a few things in these fields. Heck we haven't even blown up our planet. Stop believing. Start reasoning. [url=http://www.p01.org/][sigrotate][img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_love.gif[/img]|[img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_love_small.gif[/img]|[img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_charly.gif[/img]|[img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_dk.gif[/img]|[img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_reason.gif[/img]|[img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_galaxy.gif[/img][/sigrotate][/url]
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