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[quote] [b]skyetyger said:[/b] I think the topics I am trying to explain or argue are too large for this thread [/quote] Perhaps what you call "too large" I call simply "irrelevant"? Either way, it seems you have no actual interest in what is being said to you, you simply want to go on with your dogma...about how evolution is too dogmatic....hmmm.... As I said, and others have said, you seem to have a big misconception about the basic precept, which is leading to a large amount of 'strawman' type arguments and a big missing of the actual points of the arguments for evolution. It is really pointless to try to discuss it until we can step back and address the basic precepts.... ~shrug~ But you are, of course, free to feel however you want about the issue. I am comfortable with understanding the facts that have been put forward, and have been able to address the criticisms brought against evolutionary science because of the critical approach and critical peer reviews to which such science is subjected, and because of the number of times that incorrect conclusions have been challenged and overturned in the scientific community. And because everything we learn *supports* the fact that evolution happened and continues to happen. =)
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