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The PROOF: The DNA of the Neanderthal matches chimpanzees.. The DNA of the Cro Magnon matches human.. It is known that Cro Magnon is a modern human...exactly like yourselves.. Is it reasonable for you to assign human qualities to an ape based on a popular anthropomorphic adolescent sexual fantasy? Anthropomorphism is assigning human characteristics to animals IF..in 35,000 years..somebody finds a site in the forest where there is a campfire and a couple of beer cans..the largest and oldest population of "homo" remains found in the forest are chimpanzees..Then it will be possible for that "somebody who found" to KNOW for an absolute fact that Monkeys prefered Budweiser.. And that means that anyone living in the future time who drinks Bud..probably developed a genetic predisposition to Bud from his monkey ancestors because everyone knows..humans screw apes.. Now get a grip folks..That may be Darwinsim but it isn't history..it isn't anthropology and it isn't genetics..It isn't even science.. Neanderthal/monkey is not the past of man APE the past and future of Neanderthal..
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