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[quote] [b]skyetyger said:[/b] Now..the one side of this argument states that man "evolved" "mutated" or "adapted" to environmental stimuli..but The other side is...smallpox did not.. [/quote] What exactly is it that you are trying to argue here skytyger???? What the hell does that statement have to do with *anything*??? Do you understand that the vast majority of what you have been arguing has nothing to do with evolution?? Many species have adapted to their environment over time. Many have also failed to adapt, or have adapted but been killed off anyway. How well a species is able to adapt to their environment has no bearing on evolution. None. Evolution is not a matter of better/worse. There is no goal. If an organism is able to survive, it passes on its genes - mutations and all. If it is not able to survive, it passes nothing on - mutations or not. It's that simple, really.
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