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DL-44 I realize I have an interest in this subject not shared by very many people...It has been an abiding interest of mine for a very long time so the arguments may not be familiar to others...The same as one person may not understand the latest car model and all the arguments about design, etc... But.. It has nothing to do with "how well." Or even whether a species failed to adapt or not..although all of those questions are intriguing...(to me at least) But...To answer you fairly... I am commenting on two arguments..in fact..both of which are "evolution"..One involves "speciation" and the other "one point v multipoint origin" Darwin's Finches adapt within a limited range..but at a genetic level, there isn't any change..and the Finches revert to type.. Neanderthals are not ancestors..indeed may not even be relatives.. These studies..were done to clarify points about the theory of evolution..and the origin of man/species I have read reams of studies and evidence pro and con..most of which are factual, scientific studies conducted without bias but then again... I should post some of the Darwinian "neanderthal" racist arguments I have had the nauseating experience of wading through as a Historian..But all varieties of human experience are history..after all..
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