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So.. The position posited in the Courts...that "evolution" merely addresses change... There isn't any change that requires the theory of evolution And the theory of evolution is much more to answer in the Rise of the Third Reich than Christianity.. It is a racist religion...or it is the religion of racist.. Without basis in scientific fact.. Gideon pointed out the time problems..I have pointed out the speciation and ape ancestor problems Evolution is Dead... Whether anyone chooses to practice Neanderthal worship, or Mohammed worship or Jesus worship is a right guaranteed by the Constitution but I can't wait to see the end of teaching children that blacks are inferior because their ancestors either were apes or had sexual congress with apes...and claim scientific proof.... that whites are superior because their ancestors either were or had sexual congress with apes....Or that women are superior to white men because white men have "neanderthal" genes.. the Y gene being somehow (scientifically, of course) more neanderthal than the X....IT has been taught by Court Order.. I have read it all...in academic literature.. A New Day Dawns...
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