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[quote] [b]skyetyger said:[/b] DL-44 Nope, went to the same schools... The current theory.."multipoint origin" explains the "evolution of race." It replaced pure Darwinism which had blacks as inferior with direct evolution UP to whites. IT also replaced the theory that modern men were inferior to Cro because of interbreeding with Neanderthal (inferior European or Asiatic races) .which was Nazi credo...That has all been taught in various guises in American schools.. Darwin is inferior to superior..ape to man..so somebody has to be "it." BUT Don't take my word for it.. Go research it.. Google Search Darwin finch DNA Neanderthal DNA Cro Magnon Eugenics Marshall Grant Social Darwinism.. Snd the list goes on and on.. [/quote] Eugenics? Social Darwinism? Nazi Credos????? I'm sorry - I was under the strange impression that we had been discussing evolutionary science :confused: As for the finches - yeah, I've done plenty of reading too. At best, any controversy around them would reduce the number of species from about 14 to about 6 actual species, with further variation within those species. After a quick refresher, the only information readily available about them 'reverting to type' involves two groups, formerly thought to be 2 different species that were in fact just variations within the species. The debate about where neanderthal falls in the family tree has raged for decades. Nothing new there... Wow. My understanding of evolution is shattered.... ;) ST, you very clearly have some issues with this subject that are beyond the scope of science. Whatever they are, and whatever racial issues you have, they don't bear on the sicence that supports evolution.
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