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[quote]Webshaman, you taught me a lot about my beliefs, and I thank you for that. You helped me understand that Evolution does exist, that it is real and factual. You helped me see massive holes in my arguments and in what I believe to be right. Thank you for not giving up, and continually beating the faults of my arguments to the dust. I have learned a bunch.[/quote] Then it was all worth it, and I would hope that you could see [i]why[/i] many here strived to reach you. I hope that you continue to grow and strive forwards. [quote]I still believe there is one God, the Son of God is Jesus Christ, He died because I am an inherent sinning human, and I will go to Heaven because of what He did. I still hold on to what the Bible says about the Creation of the Earth and all things therin, but your arguments have helped me understand preachers can be wrong and evolution could happen.[/quote] As has been said countless times before, that is fine - what you choose to believe is your own, personal choice. It is only when that Belief system is used to attempt to counter others that it comes under scrutiny. It is only then that glaring holes in it's logic come to light (or not, as the case may be). Continue to belief as you wish - just remember, that if you do choose to use it to counter Science, you will run into problems. Or perhaps you will go the path of Bugs, Master Suho, & Co., and co-opt Religion and Science. Please keep in mind that Science is a tool - a real, existant tool. Like math, it is a way of explaining and examining things. It is quite funny, I have not heard many Creationists expounding that Math is wrong, that it is not logical, etc. But when it comes to Science (of which math is a part, certainly), they do. It is my personal view that if one is going to be Religious, that one should have a firm grasp of Science, to temper the rather extraneous parts of Religion into something more feasible and realistic. In any event, Gid, carry on. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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