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Poi, if the Creationists are correct, that doesn't mean all the science in the world is renedered completely useless. It just means that one theory is incorrect. That happened to the atomic model over and over again, and to my knowledge it is still being adjusted today. Doesn't mean all the research done before is wrong. Doesn't mean that all the methods were wrong. Just the interpretations of the data collected needed work, or some of the methods needed more accuracy. I keep learning more and more theories about this atomic model: like the Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion can explain some things, and I had been using that for my molecular model. However, I found out that the Molecular Orbital theory explains the color, shape, and charges better than the VSEPR model did. Doesn't mean that model is entirely incorrect, just means that it cannot account for some attributes of the atom like the MO model does. Could this be the case with Creationism and Evolutionary Theory? When God gave Moses the Genesis story, He did put some science in there, but not a lot. God was more intent on showing us Adam and Eve, and the story of us and how we got here and became so attuned to sin. Perhaps some science is needed to know the rest of the story? This is what I want to find out. I do like the critical observations of Creationists on Evolutionists, and Evolutionists on Creationists. It keeps both sharp. Sleeping Wolf, [quote] [b]SleepingWolf said:[/b] I consider a fact as measurable or observable. A fossil is fact - you can touch it. [/quote] So if Creationists do fossil research, then they have facts, right? "For reason is a property of God's...moreover, there is nothing He does not wish to be investigated and understood by reason." ~Tertullian [i]de paenitentia[/i] Carthaginian Historian 2nd century AD
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