OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
The world's first Creationist museum
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[quote] [b]Gideon said:[/b] Poi, if the Creationists are correct [/quote] Anything said after that is irrelevent. We have shown you repeatedly exactly how and why the creationists are wrong. The fact that you choose to believe what is contrary to the facts and the evidence has no bearing on the issue. [quote] [b]Gideon said:[/b] So if Creationists do fossil research, then they have facts, right? [/quote] Unfortunately, the creationists have proven this statement wrong by continually ignoring the facts they hold in front of them in favor of trying to make the facts fit a story. Again - we've been through this all before, ad nauseum. You've argued all of this repeatedly, and been shown in hundreds of different ways exactly how, where, and why the arguments you present fail. There is only so much of a beating you can take for your beliefs? Then stop trying to present your beliefs as 'science' when they clearly fail to pass the basic tests of science.
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