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[quote] [b]poi said:[/b] Of course you're free to believe whatever you want. But beliefs and science are two completely different things. [/quote] Not necessarily. I happen to believe that faith in a higher power is an idea. How do we express our ideas? We use tools. As WebShaman so succinctly and eloquently said earlier in this thread, science (and math) are tools. These tools are used to express our ideas - and they change, are replaced, and even *gasp!* evolve. Is it possible for these two things to coexist in the intellectual arena? Possibly, provided the parties espousing both remained intellectual. A 'religious' person with some scientific background and an 'evolutionist' with a measure of faith would hold a good debate. Others would simply resort to name-calling, unsubstantiated proposals, and even stream-of-consciousness reasoning. The point I'm trying to make is that beliefs and science are not completely different, they're simply kept seperate by insolent groups of devout followers. And yes, I consider some theorists of evolution devout. Some are even scary in that white-shirt-and-tie, knock-on-your-door-at-5a.m. "Have you found Jay-sus?" way. There's also the fact that it's entirely possible that beliefs and science - ideas and tools - are two parts of the same whole. Different yet the same. Hmmm.... [quote] [b]poi said:[/b] Of course parts of science are being adjusted. The whole point of science is to be critical of itself. [/quote] I think religion should be critical of itself as well. While there are things in the Word that should remain as they are (I happen to think "Love one another," "Thou shalt not kill" and "Thou shalt not bear false witness" are pretty good rules), I do think some things are open to interpretation. For example: "Let there be light" is God's way of throwing a cosmic light switch. But how would we mortals percieve it, even millions of our years later? Perhaps as the Big Bang. Genesis tells us the world was created in six days - what is a day to an omnipotent omniscient cosmic being? Maybe 24 Earth hours; maybe millions of years. The science does not exist to explain this; the tools haven't been discovered to express this idea. JMO. ~~~ Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein [img]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/AsylumScrawls.jpg[/img] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6271]Gothmatum[/url] on 11-27-2006 15:45)[/small]
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