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Darwin's Finches revert to Type Neanderthals are not related to humans. Did the chromosome break or fuse? Did apes evolve from humans? Darwinism is a popular religious cult dedicated to the proposition that all men are not created equal..as Darwin said that whites descended from blacks..as blacks descended from apes and whites were superior to and would displace the older, darker species.. Evolution is the Darwinists creationist myth.. Read the link posted above that 'refutes" any disbelief in the official dogma But don't ask Questions..such as "did the chromosome break or fuse and how long did that take?"" because as the "scientific article" states..."These frustrating requests can proceed ad infinitum and place an unreasonable burden on the always incomplete fossil record" Since when is any question about a scientific "fact" an unreasonable burden? . Most of the "scientific arguments" presented in that articles are now hedged backpeddling amongst the government funded, vested interest "scientific" ommunity of high priests..splitting hairs and sputtering "aw shuckss"..as in trying to salvage a theory that cannot be defended on the basis of current scientific research. There is a nervous nellie feeling to the arguments..waiting for the next shoe to drop..as it dropped after the DNA tests on Neandertals.. Be A Heretic...and say plainly..the simple truth...Evolution didn't happen.. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/1315]skyetyger[/url] on 11-18-2006 19:56)[/small]
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