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I'm slightly confused by your wording Webshamman, but if you are wanting the evidence I have found that proved God exists to me, then I can tell you. However, for everyone reading, this is very personal stuff. I don't really expect these experiences to work for anyone but me, because they have shaped what I believe, and why I believe. God worked these things into my life so I can come to know him. He called me this way. I think you all need to find evidence for yourselves. Especially if you believe there is no God. If you believe that then you had better be pretty darn sure of yourself, because if there is a God, and He does sit in judgement like John claims, then you're screwed. I don't think there has ever been a time I've questioned there being a God. I think I always knew there was someone or something up there, controlling what is going on down here. And as of yet I haven't met any sane person who doesn't think there is something more to this life than the temporal. It isn't anything mental or logical, just a feeling within me. When I sit quietly I feel like there is more...something more. I watched a movie, called the Incredibles, that really made me think. Why would people envision superheros? Why would we want superpowers? Why do we want to be able to influence the world around us like that? Or have protection like that? Hope? I came to the conclusion that we all have a wanting, a desire for something more deep within us. I always feel a need to belong to something greater than myself. A need to be a part of something that will give my life purpose and meaning. Well, I was in a deep, dark, depressed state when I was in junior high. I was a mess. Not physically. I was an A B student, had friends and family. I played games and people generally liked me. I was a pacifist and I was a sweet guy. However, underneath I was a wreck. I felt so alone. Empty. I tried video games. No good. I tried food. No good. Books. No good. I tried lust, masturbation, anything to fill me up with happiness. To fill that void within my life. That desire to have a purpose, to be filled up. Freshman year of my high school, I read a book by Francine Rivers called, "A Voice in the Wind." It was about a Jewish girl, who's family were one of the first Christian families in Jerusalem. It was about her faith in God, when her home, her temple, her holy city, and her family, were all destroyed in a few short weeks. Then she was shipped off to Rome where it was a capital offence to be a Christian. She was tortured and beaten, then ultimately fed to the lions. She was saved by a doctor, horribly disfigured, and in an overall horrible position. The strange thing was that she never lost her hope in God. Never. And God came through for her. He opened the eyes of everyone in her Roman family she was a slave to, and they all accepted Christ's gift of a new life. They all either went to heaven, or had a complete character overhaul. And at the end, she was happy. When I was half-way through, I thought about my heart, and where I was. I thought about how hard I tried to fill my void, and was never able to fill it. Then I finally turned over in my bed and said, "God, [u]if[/u] you are real, if you are truly there, please [u]save [/u]me." And things changed. I started to open up and pray more often, more meaninfully. And when that happened, I became...joyful. I have never been joyful in my entire life! I have been happy, giddy even, but never joyful. It was like I had a hope, a dream that could never be destroyed. I started to learn more about this God that performed miracles in that fictional book I read. I wanted to know if He was truly real. Every night I would read the Bible, searching for Him, searching for something that would show Him to me. And every night I would find something...something about Him. His miracles, His faithfulness, His devotion. Something about me. It was almost magical how closely a book that was compiled almost 2000 years ago, and written older than that, would fit exactly with me life now. So I continued reading, learning, and being filled up by some sort of presence...I couldn't quite put my finger on. I no longer liked video games. Not because they weren't fun, but because I felt like I didn't need them anymore. Life like it is now is plenty enough for me. And then I started losing my interest in lust. That battle is slow and long, but I don't want women anymore like I used to. I used to idolize women. I don't anymore. I used to be mean and angry a lot. Now I am kind, I love those around me. Not because I am told to, but because this thing living inside me does. Now I know why I changed. It is because of the Holy Spirit within me. It is so strange to see it work...so strange to see what happens. Just like what happened to the apostles. They recieved the Holy Spirit, and became completely changed men. They no longer cared about their lives before Jesus Christ. They were ready to die for Him. Paul even said he was happy to die! Just because they would have the promise fulfilled of seeing Jesus Christ again. I look forward to that with great hope. You see, it is all about hope. Hope that the prophesies laid out in the Bible will come true. The ones about the Jewish people are already almost to fruition. The ones about the Jews before the Church have come to pass, now I am waiting on the one last week. It is coming soon. The Jews have already made preparations for their holy temple. The church of Jesus Christ, as discombobulated as it is, has been ready for a while. There's only so many more people out there who haven't heard the Gospel. Only a few peoples left who haven't heard of Jesus Christ's death, and resurrection for our redemption into God's kingdom. I can't wait to be there on that day and see God. To see Him, and to dance and sing for Him. To hug Jesus. To meet the Christians of old times. The ones who died for their belief in God. I have found my proof of the existance of God. Have you found yours? Do you know for certain that God does or does not exist? If you don't, you need to find out now. Because the time is coming that we are all going to have to stand before Him someday. The time for decision is now. Because there may not be a tomorrow. "For reason is a property of God's...moreover, there is nothing He does not wish to be investigated and understood by reason." ~Tertullian [i]de paenitentia[/i] Carthaginian Historian 2nd century AD
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