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Yes, poi, I agree PNG do and have for a long time compressed better than GIF. I have been enamored of the format since I first ran across in it in the early 90s, but as you point out it wasn't until CS that you could get that kind of compression from Photoshop. I was responding to reisio's question "PNG has worked well for years so why hasn't it replaced GIF?" I think with new tools like Photoshop CS and Paint Shop we will see more people using PNGs because it is now easier to do so, but that will take time and these products are only a year or so old. It takes longer than that for a fundamental change such as switching to a new graphics format to take place. Especially when you have organizations like MircoSoft sniping from the side lines: claiming to support the new format but sabotaging their browser so it looks like the image format is broken. We think of GIF as the old establish standard, and it is. How long was it around before it was accepted as a standard format for storing graphics. I seem to remember that the GIF format was created in the late '70s but wasn't popularized until the early '90s. PNG was created in the early '90s. Most people didn't even hear of it for ten years after that. Here we are fifteen years later and it is starting to see the kind of popularity many of us have hoped it would attain. Fifteen years isn't really that long to wait for these kinds of a changes. . -- not necessarily stoned... just beautiful. [url=http://www.hyperbole-software.com/] [img]http://www.hyperbole-software.com/ozone/hyperbole-88x33.gif[/img] [/url]
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