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One of the main reasons people use lower resolutions is that the letters become so small at higher resolutions, they become very difficult to read. This is true for all text on the screen, not just in browsers and while it is fairly easy to change the text size in a browser, most people don't bother to make the adjustment and is harder or impossible to do in many other applications. My screen is set to 1024x768 because any higher and I wouldn't be able to read the letters on the screen. Several people have asked me how I can read the screen at [i]that[/i] resolution. Also, I browse in a window that is about 550x550. I tend to stay away from pages that will force me to make the browser full screen and I run from pages that won't fit on the browser at full screen. (Yes, I'm starting to run into a number of pages that have a horizontal scroll bar even with the browser window at full screen.) There was someone talking about why the Mac received such a low level of acceptance among the business community back in the mid to late 1980s. He pointed out that the majority of people making business' decisions about how money would be spent were people in their 50s who needed glasses to read. At that time the Mac had such a small screen size and the fonts tended to be so small that it was difficult for anyone who needed reading glasses to read the screen. There was never any scientific evidence that this was a major factor, but the argument made a lot of sense and probably had some validity. I see the same kind of thing happening with the web. There are lots of web pages being designed that do not take into account the ability of any (except those with perfect eye sight) to access their information. I assume that the people here are more aware than most of the need for accessibility on web sites, but questions like "Why would anyone want to browse the web with their browser set to anything less than yyyyy x yyyyy?" are indicative of the mindset of those who don't consider variability in accessibility in their designs. As far as png goes, Internet explorer has been able to display png images for a number of years. I know IE6 could and I think IE5 had about the same ability as IE6. They just had limited ability to display pngs with transparency and had limited or no capability to properly display alpha channels. The impetus that generate png has gone away since the patent on the compression algorithm of gif images expired two or three years ago. It looks as if we will be seeing gif images on web pages for the foreseeable future. As far as upgrading to IE7 goes, I don't plan on ever upgrading to it because it only runs on Windows-XP. which I consider to be an evil operating system. All my machinces either run Windows-2000 of Linux. Since IE7 won't run on those operating systems, I don't see getting it anytime soon. . -- not necessarily stoned... just beautiful. [url=http://www.hyperbole-software.com/] [img]http://www.hyperbole-software.com/ozone/hyperbole-88x33.gif[/img] [/url]
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