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Thanks poi, I didn't know it would work with Windows 2000. I'm not interested in it because I use Firefox and right now am far more involved with application development than with web implementation. However, if I get back in to web work, I'll try to down load IE7 at that time. reisio, I agree that PNG has worked very well for a number of years. I have wanted to see it accepted as the way to store graphics for a long time. I was reading a mailing list yesterday where someone asked a question about PNG and several developers (whom I consider to be pretty knowledgeable in HTML, CSS and other web related stuff) told him to use GIF instead. When asked why the only answer anyone gave was PNGs don't compress any smaller than GIFs so why not use GIF.. While that seems like a silly reason not to use PNG, I do believe that it takes more work and knowledge on the part of the developer to use PNGs properly because the tools they are used to (like Fireworks, Photoshop, and InterNET Explorer) don't support PNG as well as they should. The last time I checked (six months to a year ago) you need extra tools to get the most out of PNGs. If, for example, I create a PNG image in Photoshop, it will be larger than the corresponding GIF or JPEG image until I use an external compression program to reduce the PNG down to less than either the GIF or JPG. It's a small extra step, but enough to keep many people from accepting PNG as a better way to store graphics. . -- not necessarily stoned... just beautiful. [url=http://www.hyperbole-software.com/] [img]http://www.hyperbole-software.com/ozone/hyperbole-88x33.gif[/img] [/url]
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