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Reed Solomon
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Sorry? Who's trying to 'rip off' (which in this place is a very negative term, equivalent to stealing intellectual property) Schifra? Mr Partow, Phil's code is flowing around the net [url=http://web.archive.org/web/20020929072644/http://www.ka9q.net/code/fec/]since 2002[/url] at least, while your library has been announced in the news groups [url=http://groups.google.com/group/comp.arch.fpga/browse_thread/thread/fc5c026586d8e3c2/315ddd53d845f42f?lnk=st&q=schifra&rnum=5#315ddd53d845f42f]a month ago[/url] (you can of course put any date you want on your website... archive.org hasn't seen it though). Are you suggesting he stole your intellectual property? Now, I didn't even try go get Schifra to run simply because your licence model is not compatible with releasing *my* code under the GPL for everyone. (To be truthful: I don't think you can relase your code under the GPL *and* require some special group to buy a licence. Of course, you can suggest it, you can throw in extras for doing so, but your website reads as if it was required. But then, IANAL and will stay away from such trouble). Even if that had not been an issue, your library is pitifully documented. I know you want to keep the documentation to those buying a licence - but I would not get by in a complex field such as Reed Solomon coding with just a variant of 'read the examples'. If you want your library to succed, you'll need to make it more accessible, especially since it is a rather special purpose library ;). That includes - clearing up the licence issue. How can your code be distributed under the GPL, even if I was not to restrict it to 'non-commercial entities'? Even if that just means clearing up the phrasing on schifra.com. (Usually, even a commercial enterprise can use GPL code, they just need to pass on the GPL to their customers. No need to publish it though)( - Improve your 'publicly available Schifra resources' - because I for sure couldn't find them. - Generally be more helpful. Provide a usage example instead of just linking to your webpage. Explain. Explain. Explain. That's my 2 cents. So long, ->Tyberius Prime
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