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[quote] [b]lallous said:[/b] Are you a designer and not a programmer? [/quote] Indeed :) The thing is I am a "multimedia concepter", which means that I am supposed to be versatile, but it is not always easy to be good at everything - I definitely aren't... I attended a multimedia school for 2 years and got a degree, but when I was studying I was too interested in the "conceptual" and the "graphic" bits of multimedia development - and perhaps a bit too lazy - to get interested in coding. Which I bitterly regret now, as web development involves coding too, even graphic design in general... Anyway, I had to develop some light coding skills in the last 2 years, and got into it a bit more, and quite enjoy it now. But my knowledge is very limited, although I have some "understanding" of the whole thing. The trouble is now that people sometimes ask me to create websites for them, and I am never quite sure how to start... I feel like I would not be able to develop a good enough product. I have created websites for the company I work for, but base my sites on CMS most of the time. I often do single HTML pages - for which I now only use HTML and CSS - but nothing fantastic. [quote] [b]lallous said:[/b] As for dynamic contents, one can use server side scripting and similar tools. [/quote] I'll have to dig into this one! [quote] [b]lallous said:[/b] Thanks for the links, they are so helpful. [/quote] Glad I could help ;) Are you a programmer?
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