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A Book by any other name...
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In Minnesota this past election the first Muslim was elected to Congress. Why is it any surprise that he [url=http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1153AP_Ellison_Quran.html]would want to be sworn in using the Quran[/url]? Apparantly there are some conservatives who find this offensive. They feel that regardless of religious belief, that the Bible should be used in the swearing in ceremony. Now, no where was I able to find that the Bible was the Constitutionally accepted means of taking an oath. In fact, I was not able to find "Bible" anywhere in the Constitution. From my perspective, if it is not specified in the Constitution or it's amendments then the complaint is without foundation. When an oath is specified - it is simply that - an oath, no instructions on verbiage or ceremony. [Quote]Insofar as a member of Congress taking an oath to serve America and uphold its values is concerned, America is interested in only one book, the Bible[/quote] I'm sorry, but who is this guy speaking for? I don't care what someone uses to swear an oath on, provided they uphold the values and guidelines of the Constitution. They can swear on the dust bunny found under the Congressional carpet for all I care. If swearing in on a different holy book makes the oath more meaningful for the individual, the by all means let them do it. I personally feel it would be more meaningful (if less practical) for elected officials to swear in on the Constituion - after all, that is the collection of words they are elected to uphold, not the words of a holy book. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/3399]Moon Dancer[/url] on 12-02-2006 03:48)[/small]
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