OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
A Book by any other name...
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Is it just me, or are these folks the same sort of gents who would have owned land and slaves back in the late 1700s yet would tell us "all men are created equal"? Is it so hard to grasp the notion that maybe, just maybe, the God in the Old Testament, New Testament, Torah and Quran are all the same God? Maybe because it's all *gasp! shock! alarm!* [b]the same text[/b] retranslated and reinterpreted hundreds if not thousands of times? Maybe the swearing-in ceremony should be more like an application: Name:_____________________ Office:_____________________ Imaginary Friend (if any):____________ Comments/Hooplah:______________ Is that all-inclusive enough? Oh, and poi? The "imaginary friend" bit was just for you. :) At least we soft, stupid, flabby Americans can call our leaders soft, stupid, and flabby without risk of getting shot. That only happens if you wear the wrong shoes in the wrong town. ~~~ Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein [img]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/AsylumScrawls.jpg[/img]
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