OZONE Asylum
Finally, someone who makes sense out of flash...
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You know, I would like Flash so much better if people used it for things it's supposed to be used for: - If it's a link and I can't right click to bookmark or open in new window; middle click to open in new window; or navigate to it using the tab key (or alternatives in some browsers), then it's BROKEN. That it has a cool little animation (or in most cases an irritating delaying animation that forces me to wait ten seconds after page has loaded to select an option on the main menu) is in no way an excuse. - If it's a "skip intro" or "HTML version" link, putting it in Flash is SEVERELY BROKEN! - If it's a resource such as a sound file, a video or an image, there is NO excuse for breaking or omitting the save function. Of course, Flash is hardly the only affected plug in (in fact almost all of them have this problem), but I consider any media that doesn't allow time shifting for when I'm going offline to be BROKEN. (About DRM* and/or encryption, especially when talking about streaming media - they can be time shifted without losing the DRM and/or encryption, and any authorisation mechanism that requires a per-use confirmation and not per-user is likewise BROKEN) - Anything where the user may want to use the OS or browser UI features and Flash doesn't carry the feature over (text selections, cut/copy/paste, undo, browser history, tab navigation, search, context menus, keyboard shortcuts, volume control**, printing) is BROKEN. - Flash is excellent for vector graphics, vector graphic animations, for many user interactions that have to be somewhat snappier than JavaScript allows, for things that need a little more computing power and speed, or for simulations and games. * Why does my spell checker want to turn DRM into BD/SM? ** I have two simple rules for sound on the net: 1. If you don't provide volume control, you should provide NO SOUND AT ALL. 2. Default should be MUTED and absolutely NEVER ever FULL VOLUME! Though remembering user setting from last time is even better. -- var Liorean = { abode: "[sigrotate][url]http://liorean.web-graphics.com/[/url]|[url]http://codingforums.com/[/url]|[url]http://web-graphics.com/[/url][/sigrotate]", profile: "[url]http://codingforums.com/member.php?u=5798[/url]"};
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