OZONE Asylum
Finally, someone who makes sense out of flash...
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like anything else it's a tool - Something that can be used well or well abused.. Quite honestly, I've seen some pretty hideous abuse of some of our other favorite technologies as well, php, ajax, css - you name it. They all have their place, but their uses are defined by so many factors: motive and intent of the site, expertise of the author, client insistence.... lol, BUDGET. [quote]While I'm no web-developer, I'm savvy enough to have thought much the same as I read that article - nothing much said (accurately) in many words... [/quote] Perhaps you say that not is much said for the very reason that you are not a web-developer... or have any at least no having experience as a flash developer in particular. I think this guy is venting more than anything else. The anti-flash mumbles do get a bit annoying from so - called "web standardistas". I once had a client who insisted that they wanted a more "Flashier" site. They were replacing their standards bases CSS + Xhtml site with a all flash solution.... And proceeded to tell me about their CSS/Xhtml standards guy who "kind seemed like he had his nose in the air about the whole thing". This kind of bothered me, because I understood what they were saying. Being entrenched in the industry, I run into these guys all the time. It was hard to re-emphasize to them that standards based design was important. I am a standards based advocate, and I am a Flash author as well... I embrace both technologies, and it is hard enough make a case for standards based design to a client who really doesn't see the significance of it, especially when their guy snobbishly bashed their ideas of making the site "eye catching through flash". So I think what this guy is saying is "Look, I am a standards based advocate, and I use flash also - stop bashing me and get off your high horse..."
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