OZONE Asylum
Finally, someone who makes sense out of flash...
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[b][i]Before I elaborate further, I want to make clear my support for web standards, usability and accessibility.[/i][/b] Saying it isn't doing it. [b][i]I have been developing with Flash for the last four years. Nonetheless, my philosophy is that if something can be done outside of Flash, it should.[/i][/b] Okay...so your entire claim is false. [b][i]rich media delivery cannot be done on the HTML layer. This becomes abundantly obvious due to the plethora of length tutorials on how to round corners or put a drop-shadow on a rectangle.[/i][/b] If that's "rich media", I'd love to know what you consider poor media - dead trees? [b][i]The whole UGC (user-generated content) revolution[/i][/b] ...eh? [b][i]Flash made this happen. Not standards[/i][/b] It started out embedded into standardized markup, didn't it? [b][i](have you taken a look at YouTube?s HTML?), not AJAX, but Flash.[/i][/b] It _would_ be hard to put '<object data="data" type="type"></object>' into a page without Flash; agreed. [b][i]I am not trying to diminish the necessity for ... AJAX,[/i][/b] Sweet gebus NO! The horror! [b][i]Rather than deny its merits and accomplishments, why not work to push it further into the circle of accessibility and standards?[/i][/b] Maybe because it's proprietary and Adobe can ruin it any time they want, thereby rendering any amount of time spent pushing it completely and utterly wasted in the long run. [b][i]No one wants technology and progress to be stifled in the name of standardization.[/i][/b] I personally do not want technology and progress stifled by uber-capitalists and their patent lawyers. [b][i]Please, try to make this with HTML/Javascript. I?m waiting?[/i][/b] It'd be easy for a JavaScript pro, and even easier yet if some big company made a GUI app to generate it via point-and-click. Of course, that's basically what Flash is - modified javascript with vector/animation/audio libs. [b][i]With Flash you have a plugin in which nearly 100% of users have at least some version of the player on their system.[/i][/b] Not like HTML or JavaScript. [b][i]The makers have been working to make the technology much more accessible (can you say the same for Windows Media Player or Quicktime?).[/i][/b] Erm, how about MPlayer? xine-lib? VLC? [b][i]it is simply obtuse to attempt certain things outside of Flash - here are a few examples: * Physics engines[/i][/b] Say what?!
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