OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Global Warming...Do You Care?
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Just a note: it's extremely important to differentiate between temporary fluctuation and true global climate change. What you are talking about, although it is extreme, is a major, temporary fluctuation. It was just a few years ago we had the coldest january on record. You may or may not recall, at that time you had widespread ridicule of global warming - afterall, it was cold outside ;) One newspaper I recall in particular had a huge full oage photo of a snow bound city street, with huge letters exclaiming "Global Warming?????" :rolleyes: The true effects of global warming are important, but they are thrown into a less important light when they are confused with issues like you are posting. The impact that is frightening relates to the slow steady rise in overall gobal temperature averages, which we count by the fraction of a degree at a time, over long periods of time. Right now, the current global temperature average is about 1 degree warmer than 100 years ago. Significant, yes, but it does not make the difference between you having snow last year, and spring weather now. FWIW. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/163]DL-44[/url] on 01-10-2007 04:26)[/small]
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