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Global Warming...Do You Care?
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I have to agree with a lot of what WarMage stated. Some things to keep in mind: About a thousand years ago, the climate was warm enough in the northern hemisphere for the Norsemen to grow crops on Greenland. It's why there are ruins of settlements there. This is the very island that people are freaking out about retreating glaciers. Four hundred years after they were growing crops in Greenland, Europe went through the Little Ice Age. This was some of the coldest weather (based on glacial records) since the last ice age. Do we know exactly what day to day and seasonal fluctuations there were? No, because we don't have daily historical accurate temperature records going back that far. I'd be willing to bet that during the warm up a thousand years ago, we'd have seen a graph very similar to the one posted above. The fact of the matter is we only have about 150 years of accurate temperature measurements. And even fewer years yet of widespread global measurements. Anyone who thinks that 150 years out of 4.5 billion years of history on this planet is enough to draw sound scientific conclusions is nuts in my opinion. Over the last 40 years, the number of recorded tornadoes across the united states has increased. Is this because of global warming, or is it simply because we have better communication, are living in more rural areas where tornadoes spawn and have better technology to detect them? The same goes for hurricanes. We are poking and prodding and inspecting and measuring this planet in ways that have never been done before. We are collecting so much data we don't know what to do with it all. Before I get reamed here, I just have this to add. Rather than focus on solving this "problem" of global warming - something which we may have zero control over - why not focus on improving air quality for the sake of our health? Splitting hairs? Maybe. But realistically - humankind is selfish - show them how an action immediately benefits them, and you are more likely to get results. Telling people they need to buy expensive hybrids and install solar panels on their homes because they won't be able to grow crops in 50 years if they don't means absolutely nothing. I like clean air. I like the idea of being able to swim in clean water. The climate is going to change, whether we like it or not. I would rather focus my energy on something I can change, rather than be so arrogant as to think I can change the weather.
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