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Global Warming...Do You Care?
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[quote] [b]WebShaman said:[/b] Get out a map and take a look. [/quote] Forgive me for not knowing what part of germany you are in. As for "nowhere near"......that's a very relative description ;) Keep in mind that *you* brought up the correlation of Mas's reports and your situation...not me ;) [quote]Third, this is not just "freak cold snaps and freak warm periods; drought and flood; storm and serenity. Across the globe. Throughout recorded history." This is a measured change OVER TIME. [/quote] Even 10 years is a very small time frame for this type of thing, and I would certainly be interested in seeinig the findings of these scientitsts, and hearing what their conclusions are - what change has been measured, over what period of time? And how does this correlate to the global averages? That's a huge part of this... [quote]The weather that we are now getting for winter is expected to be similar now every year! [/quote] This is yet to be seen... [quote] This is a big change from how the weather here used to be. [/quote] And such "big" changes have cycled over and over and over...throughout history, around the world. ;) Just for the record. Now - to get back to my point(s). Please remember that my responses were to what Mas posted. And I will stand by them - I have yet to see anything that contradicts them. You continue to drag outside information that is well outside the scope of what mas posted, and what I repsonded to.
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