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Global Warming...Do You Care?
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Global warming is referring to an increase of fractions of degrees over many decades. In fact, the best scientific evidence says that the Earth has warmed less than 0.6 degree Celsius as an annual average over the last century (certainly not enough to cause the phenomena?s that some of you are observing - it's actually colder than usual here in Calgary). One important thing to keep in mind, the Earth is warming naturally as well, and the natural rate of warming is greater than that which is caused by human activity. Global warming is a serious issue, but it's not what is causing the warming you can see. In your entire lifetime the temperature will not change enough based on human activity for you to notice. If we were today, to stop emitting all pollutants that humans emit. In fact, if we were to take humans and all their creations away from the picture, and just allow the planet to run its course naturally, the planet would still be warming up. The poles would still melt, the coasts would still end up under water. The natural rate of release for carbon dioxide from vegetation, the oceans, and other natural sources is greater than the rate at which the planet can naturally trap it... the effect of CO2 in warming is going to happen regardless of what humans do. This is not what scientists are trying to stop when they warn of the dangers of global warming, the Earth has existed like this for billions of years. What scientists warn about, is that the slight (re: slight) changes we're causing in temperature variation will negatively affect the natural processes that take place (i.e. the Earth wont start its next cooling period at the right time, or we'll kill off some species necessary for certain ecosystems to live as they do now). Plus we could further damage the ozone layer, making the sun more harmful to us. Finally, it isn't certain what affects an atmosphere full of pollution will have on us, although I?m sure most of us would rather not find out. Global Warming = Bad. Current high temperatures observed in various places around the Earth = not Global Warming.
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